Welcome to Balancing Breath

Why yoga? You may see images of impossible poses in beautiful locations and think, wow. What you often do not see in marketing campaigns for yoga is the true intention. You miss the work, and see a snapshot of the outcome of dedicated practice. You may think yoga is not for you because you don’t see all that comes with practice. Yoga isn’t about “doing poses” or taking shapes with our body to see how close we can get to a standard. That’s commercialism. Practicing yoga is learning how to be comfortable in your body, as you move or hold still—it is a practice of body and mind. You learn to find comfort and confidence in yourself, even in discomfort. And let’s be real, we all have uncomfortable parts of ourselves and pieces of our life. Yoga is an active approach to learning how to adapt, balance, start again, or hold still. The movement teaches us how to find a balance between too much and not enough. And our mental focus is very much a part of that practice.

So what about mindfulness? Mindfulness is a choice to be present. When you are mindful, you are listening—to yourself as well as your surroundings. Our technology-driven, fast past world enables us to go, go, go. We can multitask and scramble and find ways to fit everything into a day. But at what cost? The temptation to keep up with the pace of life—to believe that being successful and happy means doing and having more—is exhausting to pursue. We. Just. Get. Tired. Practicing mindfulness is a way to be focused on right now rather than get lost thinking about what was or what will be. The very moment you are in is the one that matters. It’s where you are truly alive.

Imagine you are thirsty—it’s hot here in Tuscaloosa—and someone opens a fire hydrant for you get a sip of water. You could get a bit of water, but to figure out how to do so without getting soaked or knocked down … why is it so hard? Yoga and mindfulness are about taking time to tune out the noise (or chaos). Let what you need come to you slowly and intentionally. We slow down our minds as we move our bodies learn how to do these very things—be still, be confident, be present—when we walk back out into the circus of life. And for us, breath is the center, of life (literally), of being present, of connecting our body and mind in movement or stillness.

Our studio is a community of practice. What does that mean? Balancing Breath brings together people of all abilities and backgrounds who share an interest, passion, or curiosity about yoga and mindfulness. We are here to help you slow down to find calm, focus, energy … to find yourself. The goal of a community of practice is continued learning that enables personal and collective growth. To embody this goal, we are building a network of diverse teachers offering an array of practices to support your well-being. To make this goal meaningful for Tuscaloosa, we focus on teaching skills and practices that you can take off of your mat and into your life.

So, how did this passion project come to life? You may have heard that “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity,” a quote by the philosopher Seneca made popular in discussions of what drives success. Morgan and Rebecca may not find “luck” to be the key to what created Balancing Breath. (But yes, there have been some 4-leaf clovers and unique opportunities along the way!) We leaned into hard work and intentional planning to merge Morgan’s business acuity and Rebecca’s mind-body practice and teaching expertise into a studio for you. And Balancing Breath is for all of you!

Community is at the heart of everything Morgan does. A graduate of the University of Alabama with a degree in Marketing, Morgan embarked on a journey of entrepreneurship alongside her husband, Adam Lilly. Together, they own VeloCity Cycles, a bicycle shop next door to Balancing Breath. Morgan's dedication to community advocacy radiates through her work in the cycling world. She has become a driving force within the cycling community as a coach, mentor, board member, and leader. With the launch of Balancing Breath Yoga & Mindfulness Studio, Morgan aims to create more than just a space to practice yoga. She envisions a welcoming space where individuals can come together, discover themselves, and forge meaningful connections. Through every endeavor, Morgan remains steadfast in her dedication to Tuscaloosa and her mission of enhancing the quality of life for all who call it home.

Rebecca’s work life outside of Balancing Breath is built upon her educational background and family-inspired commitment to community service. She earned a PhD in medical sociology, focused on health equity and mental health literacy research. For over a decade, she’s worked to educate and engage those who have experienced trauma to move toward recovery. Much of this work has been with Veterans. The upshot: Rebecca loves to teach. She’s organized and led community projects in many phases of her life and always has room at her dinner table for a new friend and a home-cooked meal. (We can thank her parents for this too!) Bring people together and see what evolves. Rebecca is excited to share the wisdom of her teachers with you, because decades of yoga and mind-body practices have put her body, soul, and spirit back together after sports injuries, accidents, or life challenges. These practices have also created some of her most valued friendships, self-confidence, and healthy lifestyle. This is the root of her teaching. .  

The sparks of creativity for what became Balancing Breath may have happened on a bike ride—likely one infused by the joy of how bicycles bring so many people of all ages and abilities together. Regardless, both Morgan and Rebecca know the power of community, the value of shared activity, and the importance of health and well-being. We saw a need in Tuscaloosa for a yoga and mindfulness hub, a space for you to lean in, starting a new practice or deepening an established practice, focusing on yourself in a supportive environment. Our studio an inclusive, safe space to quiet your mind so you can hear your own breath. This is how you bring balance to your life, and what a joy to do the practice with others!

Morgan and Rebecca cultivated a partnership with each other, building on each other’s strengths and balancing our efforts. We are now inviting you to partner with us, at Balancing Breath, to grow a community committed to being present for ourselves and for one another. We see each breath as a gift that we can either let happen on its own or intentionally use as a nourishing step toward balance. Be with us. Breathe with us.


What are mind-body practices?


What is a mindfulness practice?